Hey just finished an appointment with Amy. She inherited a house in Kent, and looking to sell her house AS-IS.

If you inherited property as well, Here are what you should know before selling your inherited house in Kent or nearby area. I will share:
- A little bit why Amy reach out to sell her house directly to us
- 7 steps to sell your house for top dollar
- where can you learn about Probate Process
- what went wrong when Amy inherited a property
Btw, you might be wonder how do we avoid being infected by Coronavirus?
We are 100% supportive to Gov Jay Inslee on the “Stay-Home” initiative yesterday 3/23/20, and going into effect tomorrow.
Coronavirus is a big deal, but your situation and you need to sell your house quickly is also a really big deal…
why Amy reach out to sell her house directly to us
Amy reached out to us on our website, www.angelhomesolution.com
Amy loved the fact that:
- We are a local company that buys houses
- She saw many of our testimonials with other clients and professionals we work with
- what made her feel comfortable was that
- Angel Home Solution is a local house buyer,
- She knows exactly who she will be talking to, and who she works with to sell her inherited house, even before reaching out.
-She mentioned to us that she is looking to sell AS-IS, the house needs a lot of work, inside out.
-She doesn’t have the resources to put money into it. Because she needs to pay 2 mortgages every month, plus she also has a full-time job.
-She talked to Agent, and Agent suggested her to do all the fixes, but she doesn’t want to go through all of that, the work and the stresses anymore.
So she found us on Google, and here I am because she was looking for someone who is willing to take the house As-IS, which is how we buy houses as a company every month!
Everything looks good as we expected. we did our walkthrough last week. And we are now proceeding to close by End of the Month as she was hoping for.
I had a Live Call with her in the description, in case you are wondering what happening after you reach out or fill out the form.
7 steps to sell your house for top dollar
If you are looking to sell a house you inherited here in Kent as well, I am going to walk you through 7 steps of what you can do to sell your house for top dollar, and relatively quickly.
You want to give your potential buyer families and wife a good first impression. Any Storage room should be cleaned. A lot of stuff? and very emotional? these are 3 tips to prepare your inherited house.
Many sellers choose to pay for their pre-inspection. We do as well. To find out in advance what needs to be worked on, what is outdated, what is not meeting code. $500 will go a long way… You might have to disclose your findings and action is taken when you list.
3-Repair and Touch up…
Now that you have the list.. it is time to get to work… A fresh coat of paint is essential. If everything is original and outdated, you might want to put money where you give you the most return… New Kitchen, Appliances, New Bathroom, and New Mater Bathroom.
Get appraisal in advance to see what the bank is willing to loan at. Because nothing is worst than having an agreeable offer with Buyer, only to find out later that the bank only thinks the price of the house should be less. Only 3 Choices there, lower the price or Buyer comes up with more money to close the gap, or NOT selling your house! Like to hear your thought, which one will you go with?
Again, go back to that first impression! Don’t overkill it… You only need to stage in Kitchen, Living room with sofa set and table. Dining room. Bathrooms, and a couple of bedrooms if you can. Don’t forget about Pictures… A lot of Pictures!
—quick plug here, my Agent is offer discounted full listing service, and he has killer staging service and price! Call me at 425-272-9299 and ask me to connect you. Perfect transition to the next key to selling your house relatively quickly and for top dollar!
When I say relatively Quick and Top Dollar… I meant every word!!!
Relatively quick, but you still have to go through that standard transaction wait time, 3-6 months from where we started from Step1.
Relatively Top Dollar meant you won’t get a million-dollar for your house. You get the Market Value that the Appraiser and Your agent guested. It is a prediction based on houses Sold in your area with in the last 3 months within 1 miles radius…
Not all houses are the same, no 2 buyers are alike… So it is a quest, but if you follow my 7 steps to sell your house for top dollar, you are likely to get close to the market top dollar. So another key here is to hire an agent that is credible and highly experience. Totally worth the 3% agent commission! If you don’t have one already… I am happy to connect… No brainer, since we got you negotiated for a discount as well!
This is the last step that needs your work, but it is just the beginning. The show just began, and I am excited for you already! This is also where and why the great agent got paid and worth every penny as well!
Again, not everything thing fits everyone!
If These 7 steps don’t sound good to you, you might not get the top dollar for your house. If you are going with not getting every dollar for your house, and you really want to skip all the steps above, and sell your inherited house quickly and as-is like Amy does…
Reach out to see if your house qualifies to work with us or if we are the best fit at all. We will be happy to go through all the options and you can decide the best option for yourself.
where can you learn about Probate Process
If have to go through a probate process, You can learn more about Probate Process on our website. Just FYI, We can buy at any stage of the probate process that you are in.
what went wrong when Amy inherited a property
You might be wonder what can go wrong when you inherited a house? Related to the house There are 4 majors issues. Amy had 2 of them Mortgage and Repair… Find out the rest on our website: What Can Go Wrong When You Inherit a House in Renton– 4 issues
This is a crazy time that most of us never experience before. What do you concern the most? Has the Corona Virus impacted you? Comment below.