Why I Didn’t Get My Stimulus Direct Deposit Yet?

About a month ago, the government and congress approved the 2.2 trillion stimulus package, and a portion of that is coming to you and me. People recently started receiving stimulus direct deposit, but some wonder why I didn’t get my stimulus direct deposit yet.
Don’t panic, you didn’t do anything wrong, and here are 5 common reasons why you didn’t receive your stimulus money yet.
Everyone’s situation is different. If you qualify, (are you and how much?) here are some of the most common reasons why the government may not have paid you yet:
1-Government Processing Time
People who filed taxes in 2018 and 2019 and who gave the IRS direct deposit information will be those who get the fund the soonest. For anyone who filed taxes but didn’t use direct deposit, paper checks should be in progress.
2-You used tax preparation software for Tax Return
You used tax preparation software to file your tax return. It is Free… so why not! I do the same for my parents’ tax return too! That software such as Turbo Tax. The Washington Post reported that some who used tax preparation services may not have received their stimulus checks yet because the government didn’t have your direct deposit information on file.
3-The government needs your information
The government needs your information maybe because you didn’t file taxes in 2018 or 2019. In this case, you can go to the IRS’ non-filer website, to enter your information so that the government knows where to send the payment. Or go to Turbo TAX Website
4-Did not get the $500 per dependent.
You’ve received your $1,200 payment but not the $500 per dependent. If you didn’t file taxes in 2018 or 2019 and applied for the stimulus check through the IRS’ non-filer website, you still need to enter information for any dependents you have. You can go to the IRS’ non-filer website to enter this information by April 22. If you miss the deadline, you won’t receive your dependent credit until after you file your 2020 tax return next year.
5-Divorce Situation
You’re in a divorce situation, and no longer sharing the same account. If your divorce is pending, it’s important to know that the stimulus funds may be sent to your bank account on file. This could mean a joint account or an ex-partner’s account. If your ex-spouse received your stimulus funds or received the $2,400 granted to a married couple. They are obligated to send the other half to you, or they could face legal consequences for failing to turn over your share of the payment.

This is IMPORTANT. While you wait for your payment, it’s important not to fall for any scams. The IRS is warning that coronavirus-related scams could take the form of a phone call or email phishing attempt. The IRS isn’t going to call you or send you an email asking you to verify your financial information in order to deliver your stimulus payment. And don’t believe anyone who says they can get you your check faster if you work with them rather than going through the IRS.
Definitely in need of money, can’t wait for the government deposit anymore?
Here are some more resources:
7 Ways to Get Out of Mortgage when Behind on Mortgage
Are You Struggle Making Mortgage Payment?
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