Looking to sell your house to cash buyer? Make sure you work with a real cash buyer who buy houses for flip and really fixing houses for flip. It is important to work with someone you can trust and actually doing what they said. More importantly, that they are actively working on houses for flip and rental. Professional cash buyer hires proper professional to rehab and fix up the house to standard/local code. It is important to produce a safe and sound end product for end buyer who could be a young couple with young kids. Here are some reasons you should work with active cash buyer who is professional and really fixing up houses for flip and rental:
1- Safety first: If there is something wrong from the job from unprofessional rehabber. The house could hurt, injure and kill lives.
2- Liability: Like having an insurance, working with the right professional, will prevent any unwanted lawsuit. Not sure how much a lawsuit cost to you, but it can be costly, plus it will go on forever. If it is related to life safety, it could causing jail time. I know you might think you already sold the property, but guess what could happen when it involves a lawyer seeking everyone for liability and responsibility.
3-Peace in mind: Working with direct cash buyer who is really buy directly from could avoid any wasting of time. Sometime you could be working with “broker” like buyer, who does not or can’t buy your house. If might not perform to close on your house as he promised or fooled you. What a high offer worth if he can’t perform.
We helped Scott with his real estate issue, a house that he inherited from his dad, and he couldn’t afford the additional mortgage, additional utilities, and could not afford the rehab needed to sell the house for top retail dollar. Not to mention it is not easy to everyone since this is one of the real houses for flip for professional rehabber. Scott decided to go with us at the end even we were not the highest offer. Scott and his wife wanted to go with us because he felt we are trustworthy and we really doing this locally. He has a legit concern that buyer would just give the high offer and low ball him later. We closed at the price we offered, no surprise and everything is smooth. We was able to close within 4 days after we got green light from Scott to close. He was so happy with our service and what we offered, such that he was been referred us to his friends. Please check out Angel Home Solution Testimonial video, his wife’s review in working with us.
We seek to serve, try to find opportunity to add value to you. Customer service is Angel Home Solution’s first priority. Make sure you are happy is our commitment. We do that by going over and beyond, by under promise and over deliver. Our action speaks for us, and if you happen to work with us, we hope that you will proudly talk about working with us to your friend and family. We love to earn your referral and future business opportunities to serve you.
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